kalau di windows ada sniffing tool, di linux juga ada. Ada yang emang jadi bawaan LInux ada juga yang bukan bawaan. Dan yang menurutku paling joss itu Shutter,gak seperti fungsi tombol print screen di keyboard yang shoot satu display,di Shutter bisa shot suatu area, jd gak harus total satu display, namun juga tetep bisa satu display.
Pada dasarnya Shutter lebih memberi keleluasaan
coba dulu dah :D
>install Shutter lewat terminal
sudo apt-get install shutter
tunggu sampai intalasi selesai,
kmudian run aja shutter di Applications > accesories > shutter
gambar diatas merupakan tampilan dasar Shutter, sederhana dan memudahkan penggunanya dalam melakukan screenshoot.
cara singkatnya tinggal masuk File > New > kemudian pilih tehnik screenshot
cuplikan dari website shutter (http://shutter-project.org) :
Shutter is a feature-rich screenshot program. You can take a screenshot of a specific area, window, your whole screen, or even of a website – apply different effects to it, draw on it to highlight points, and then upload to an image hosting site, all within one window. Shutter is free, open-source, and licensed underGPL v3.Especially if you are taking screenshots for writing tutorials or manuals you need to edit the image, e.g. highlighting some part of it. With Shutter you don’t need to open an external graphics editor like GIMP, because Shutter ships with its own built-in editor. Here are some of the most important features:
Conclusion : Shutter is the best all in one screenshot tool that I ever found on Ubuntu.
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